What Does A Writer Do With Experience?

June 10, 2016 – June 11, 2016

If I ever write a novel where torture is involved, I will be using this; ripping an entire nail off is very painful and would constitute real incentive for a character to do something they wouldn’t ordinarily do. Lucky for me there was no torture in my episode and my character remained intact.


Sorry it took so long to post this. I rewrote it several times because the balance between sharing experience in its exquisite detail and sharing more than people want to know can be tricky. The intent was to show the event in full color to practice my skill at translating a painful event. The good news is I think I did a good job with it because my family started reading it, but refused to finish it—as in put it down, I can’t read it. So, I put that post aside and started over. Besides to tell my story, despite the equal pain to any finger being involved, mine involves a missing nail from my small finger and let’s face it, no one feels your wrath when you give them the pinky (laugh).

However, you know the old saying, experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want; but, for a writer even that can be turned around. So, I have the other post available, and I have the experience of the time it can take to manage something that readers may find difficult to read.  I decided to show you a nicer picture for the weekend because the other post will need a lot of work to bring it the balance it would need for a story.

So, instead of  a picture of my boo-boo, this is my blueberry bush and I hope the birds haven’t eaten all the berries when I get home.


I miss being home and although Superhero is with me this weekend, much of the future will have us separated and I can’t help but feel the pain of that. We both enjoy our independence, yet the companionship we share makes being separated something we don’t look forward to for extended periods of time.

Thinking now about the surprise and shock when rock separated my nail from the nailbed in an event destined by the laws of physics I am reminded of the need to be careful. However, I am reassured by the measure of focus I maintained as I stabilized the weight I was carrying, asked someone to rip the dangling nail free, managed the load I held, and delivered it to safety.