Proposal Poinsettia


May 13, 2016

I pinched and pruned the Poinsettias today. It was a perfect day to do it after our venue travel yesterday. I planted them shortly after mother’s day when the temperatures would be more agreeable to them. I feel bad leaving plants outside when I know they can’t tolerate the temperatures. So, what do you do with Poinsettias you have nurtured inside since before Christmas, because they are special, but you know will never survive outdoor winters?


You convince them to flourish outside and promise to keep a warm place for them in the butterfly room when the chill of winter threatens their growth.

So, I planted them in a raised bed (it was just painted today by Superhero and Golden Egg). I worked hard to make it level which isn’t easy when you live on an incline with a fairly steep angle. The benefit is it drains well and right now the southern sunlight warms them through a canopy edge of hickory trees. I’ll know in a few weeks if it is a good balance of water and sun for them.

The necessary combination can be found if you know what you are looking for.
