Detroit—We Have A Sudoku Contest Winner!
December 2, 2016 We have a Sudoku contest winner. If you played, check your email today. I need an address to send your prizes; a copy of The Drafter, a […]
December 2, 2016 We have a Sudoku contest winner. If you played, check your email today. I need an address to send your prizes; a copy of The Drafter, a […]
November 28, 2016 Look who stopped by while I was away. Why so early? There are only a few copies of The Operator in hardback, so he had to get it quick. Soon I will mail […]
November 25, 2016 Can you unscramble the code? I give you a clue below. If you like your characters strong and vulnerable, your pace fast, and your relationships real you […]
November 24, 2016 This is why we grow our own herbs. A touch of home we can take anywhere. Rosemary for the honey rosemary butter, oregano to season the turkey, and […]
November 23, 2016 This is what happens when my dad decides we need a shelter for family get-togethers (laugh). I love this man. He always makes complicated look easy. Superhero […]
November 21, 2016 If you missed the first contest you still have a chance to win in the contest this week. If you couldn’t quite leave the Hollows or felt Kim’s new […]
November 18, 2016 You know there are too many calories when they don’t even list them on the package. Apparently, this item is so chocked full of calories you have to […]
November 14, 2016 My poinsettias tell me the nights are getting longer than the days with their gentle turn to red. If you’ve been watching my blog you know I […]
November 11, 2016 As a thank you to Veterans I wanted to post my review today. One of the reasons we read is to live for a moment with or […]
November 7, 2016 I’ve always enjoyed a cappella work. This group is on my Christmas list, just in case my handwritten list gets lost (wink). The song is not new and the stories […]