Good News I’ve Been Waiting To Share

December 6, 2016

Good news! I’ve been waiting to share because I wanted to focus on the promotions. I found a strong, well respected writing critique partner in my genre and I plan to focus on the rewrite of manuscript II starting January. I will still post, but much of it will be me practicing in the background and I may not publish but once a month.  In December I’ll toy with my nanowrimo work; tackling different POV techniques and exercising my writing muscles with a few challenges discovered and to be discovered from my “how to write well” reading.

Christmas is at full bloom in the butterfly room. I’ll try to post progress at Facebook.

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Well, I’m off to work for a 7am meeting. 7am? What’s wrong with these people? (laugh) I’m very excited about the work both at my day job and with my writing.



  1. Great news. I’ve found critique partners to be life saving, life affirming, and good ones give you shelter from the storm when you most need it. Have a marvelous and restorative holiday season, Alexis. And keep us informed! XXX Emelle

    1. Thank you Emelle. Sorry for the delay in responding. I’ve had my head down, working hard, and haven’t been online much. I will keep you posted. I’m very excited about it. I hope you and yours have an amazing holiday!

  2. Love the Christmas pictures. Great to hear more about your writing adventures.

    1. Thanks David. Super cool to see you guys comment here. I was going to post an update last night, but wordpress wouldn’t let me in for some reason. Have a happy holiday!

  3. Alexis, your plants are awesome!! Have a wonderful holidays with all those around. Nana of #11.

    1. Thank you Nana of #11. I just noticed tonight that my variegated poinsettia is showing its diversity. I will try to remember to post pictures. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

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